Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rituals of Classification

Family Institution
            My culture classifies the first fall ceremony as a rite of exchange and communion. During the first fall ceremony the elders pray to the elements and ask them to continue to bless their village with food and longevity. In exchange for the provisions and a long life they promise the gods to always pay homage by sharing the harvest with everyone in the village and practice their element. This is a right of exchange because the elders ask the elements to show favor on them and in return they will share and practice the element until it is mastered. The village believes as long as the elders divide the food then the elements will give them bountiful harvest. 

Religion Institution
The sacred element retreat is a rite of passage in my culture. It is a rite of passage because it is typically an eight-year process that teaches the child how to master their element. Starting from eight years old to sixteen years old they must prove they understand and can harness the power of the element. After years of work, practice and training if they can prove themselves at the sacred element retreat by mastering their element they become eligible to marry. This is a rite of passage because it marks a great step into adulthood. After the ceremony the village recognizes you as an adult and as a marriage candidate.

Marriage Institution
The Anokoan place a great emphasis on marriage, for us it is a rite of intensification. During the marriage process the bride and groom are reminded of their history from each other’s family, this instills social cohesion by bringing the families together in the spirit of unity. Traditions are remembered and continuity with the past is paramount because to even be considered for marriage a person must have mastered their element. The values of family and village norms are past down in the four day process to prepare the bride and groom for married life and what is expected of them.  A celebration is always held at the end of the marriage process to denote the great honor of becoming apart of a bigger family and stepping into adulthood.

Government Institution
The battle of the element is an anti-therapeutic rite for my culture. Many people will train their entire life to be good enough to participate in the battle only to lose in a matter of minutes. The greatest element masters battle it out to prove their strength all hours of the night until there is a victor. Some 30-40 people will fight til the death if need be to appease the rage the elements once knew. It is a great honor but comes with a great price for many who enter the battle. Fighting is typically frowned upon and a great offense amongst family but the battle of the element is done in each nation and celebrated for its display of brute strength and elemental mastery. 

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